
Facebook Likes

NACHI - Thu, 06/27/2013 - 18:24
Please like my facebook page and I will like back. Thanks

Another IRS official pleads the 5th.

NACHI - Thu, 06/27/2013 - 17:36
Maybe time to go to a flat tax.

What is this...

NACHI - Thu, 06/27/2013 - 16:08
I just wanted to feedback on what this metal member is that is coming from under the stucco on the deck.
It was not deck flashing because it did not cover the ledger board underneath.
Thanks in advance....
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InterNACHI is a Gold Sponsor of the Vegas Inspection Conference in October, 2013.

NACHI - Thu, 06/27/2013 - 13:01
InterNACHI is a Gold Sponsor of the upcoming Vegas Inspection Conference.

InterNACHI members get an additional $100 off the 3, 4 or 5 day conference registration by using this discount code: "InterNACHI"

There is a location for member to enter the code in the registration form.

Registration must be completed by 7/12.

Visit for conference information and registration form.

See ya there!

InterNACHI members get $100 off registration for the Vegas Inspection Conference.

NACHI - Thu, 06/27/2013 - 13:00
InterNACHI is a Gold Sponsor of the upcoming Vegas Inspection Conference.

InterNACHI members get an additional $100 off the 3, 4 or 5 day conference registration by using this discount code: "InterNACHI"

There is a location for member to enter the code in the registration form.

Registration must be completed by 7/12.

Visit for conference information and registration form.

See ya there!

DANGER Solar Backfeed

NACHI - Thu, 06/27/2013 - 00:34
I've not yet inspected a home with solar and saw this posted at the main breaker panel. What the heck does it mean? Advise on comment would be a big help. Thanks!
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Tankless water heater

NACHI - Wed, 06/26/2013 - 23:57
The home owner had installed a tankless water heater in the attic hard piped through the existing 50 gal tank of the old water heater in the hallway. I'd never seen that. What would be the purpose of installing it this way?

Condensate pump

NACHI - Wed, 06/26/2013 - 23:41
At my inspection today I saw a few things I had not seen. One was a condensate pump at the base of the air handler with no drip pan. The pump was set up to pump water up through the attic and out of the home, maybe a run of 25'. Has anyone seen this? Any advise on comments?
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Inspection Dejavu

NACHI - Wed, 06/26/2013 - 21:57
I live and work in a very small town, just over 3000 with very few home inspectors. I recently inspected a home that my client decided to pass on. So it is well within the scope of possibility that I could be hired to inspect this same home again by another interested party. So my question is how to professionally deal with this? It would be completely redundant to do another inspection as I already have the information. But to simply edit the report to the new client seems not right either. Perhaps that at a reduced rate?

I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts.


Door that separates garage from living area

NACHI - Wed, 06/26/2013 - 21:19
I saw your article about Attached Garage Fire Containment ( but it didn't mention which way the door should swing -- into the garage or into the living area? Or doesn't it matter?

Ministry of Consumer Services meeting June 25th

NACHI - Wed, 06/26/2013 - 19:55
The meeting held in Toronto, On by the Ministry of Consumer Services was an informative stepping stone for all home inspectors in Ontario. I have attached a PDF file for everyone with the key points of the meeting.

At the stage the key issue for InterNACHI is ensuring we have a seat on the panel to decide the regulations for the province. This panel is yet to be chosen, but I have no doubt InterNACHI will be represented.
Attached Files June25MCS.pdf (144.3 KB)

newbie needing help

NACHI - Tue, 06/25/2013 - 01:12
Hey beautiful people!
I'm a young woman who followed her Daddy around as a child and loved watching him build :) now that I'm an adult I started taking it a bit more seriously. This is what I want to do with my life, I know a fair bit about homes and now would like to know more to become a home inspector. and become a successful business woman!

As I start this journey, is there any advice anyone would have? What should I study first? Any study tips?

Thanks so much! Hope to build some good connections!

Hawks win the cup

NACHI - Mon, 06/24/2013 - 22:26
Great going guys.
Chicago is fireworks central right now.:mrgreen:

Pool inspections

NACHI - Mon, 06/24/2013 - 22:03
Do you charge for the pool inspection and if so how much?

Thermostats that make a clicking noise

NACHI - Mon, 06/24/2013 - 20:55
We just had an a/c unit replaced at home and the old unit was a Frigidaire unit with a White Rodgers thermostat. 1999 model

The new unit is a Lennox with a Honeywell Thermostat.

The new unit thermostat clicks twice when the unit comes on and goes off.
The HVAC installer told me that they all do that now because of the relay located in the t-stat.

They say it's more reliable.

Does anyone know if they all click these days? Is there a quieter one available?:shock:

Dryer vent size

NACHI - Mon, 06/24/2013 - 19:57
See pictures. Dryer vent goes from a standard 4" to something bigger and then back down to 4 inch to exit. Looks like a problem to me, but I'm not sure. Any help with write up language would be much appreciated....
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Thinking of switching from IT to Home Inspection

NACHI - Mon, 06/24/2013 - 19:32
So here is the back story. Nearly two decades ago I wanted to get into home inspection. I was very young, just starting out, living in an apartment, didn't have any money for training, which although wasn't required by my state (WA) at the time, I wanted to learn how to do it and it cost $2,000 that I didn't have at the time...

So rather than borrow money and screw myself over on something that wasn't a sure thing thus making my situation worse, I decided to go for a traditional four year University degree and got into IT. Fast forward to today. I am financially successful, make six figures, company paid health insurance, I have a few real estate investments, etc.

While I enjoy what I do for a living, I absolutely HATE corporate politics and during the process of buying several homes over the last few years, even in this market, realized that...every home inspector I called was booked solid. It was a real challenge to find one that had any openings!

Furthermore, each time I bought a house, I would talk to them about how much business they got, made per year, hidden costs, etc. Each one I talked to made six figures as well! None of them had a college education, just the basic state licensing requirements training. Some worked in construction before they got into HI, while others got into it from some random industry.

Seeing that they are self employed, generally deal with a client for a few hours during the inspection/report writing/questions and are out in the field rather than stuck in an office, I rekindled the idea of becoming a home inspector.

I figure why not? I have a degree and a lucrative trade to fall back on, and am financially prepared. I could even do it on the side on the weekends for now.

My question is, what do I need to know that I haven't seen/am I crazy? Are there downsides to the job I am not aware of? I know crawling around attics and crawl spaces isn't the most glamarous, but I'd rather do that than deal with corporate BS anymore. Again, I love what I do, but not the people I have to deal with at work.

I've looked into the training required in my area, and while some places seem to be getting rich offering training at 5-15K a pop, I found some places that offer the required training for 3K and are approved by the state. I figure it's a reasonable price to pay and if it doesn't work out, I didn't lose too much. I don't have any reason to not make it work though. Between education costs, truck, equipment, marketing, etc, I have the capital to put into the business.

In any case, if I missed anything, let me know.

Wow, that was fast. FL real estate agents alreadty getting their CE from InterNACHI.

NACHI - Mon, 06/24/2013 - 16:13

Soon, all real estate agents in the U.S. will get their continuing education online and for free by contacting their local InterNACHI member.
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